Advanced Acting / Acting I

Class Description for Acting I:

Acting I is designed to develop the actor’s improvisational, scene analysis, role scoring, character development, and performance skills. The students will learn proper warm-up and relaxation techniques, develop their senses, build concentration, and learn basic acting skills by participating in a wide variety of drama games, improvisational activities, pantomime/movement exercises, contentless and scripted monologues/scenes.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to…

  • To enhance the beginning actors' awareness of their imagination.
  • To introduce the beginning actor to the foundations of acting and character building.
  • To make clear the importance of the skills of observation, concentration and listening in the art of acting.
  • To aid the beginning actor in the discovery of their own body and voice as acting tools.
  • To enhance the beginning actors' appreciation of the art of theatre as a collaborative art form.
  • To share a common vocabulary of acting terminology and concepts
  • To introduce the beginning actor to the principles behind the acting approach found in the textbook: Acting: OnStage and OffStage and other supplemental reading materials.

Class Description for Advanced Acting:

Advanced Acting is designed to build on the fundamentals of Acting I; to share a common vocabulary of acting terminology and concepts; to develop an experimental understanding of scene study; to gain an understanding of the development of technique by studying various approaches taken by teachers throughout theatre history; to exhibit growth as an artist by developing self-awareness and a sense of professional responsibility to self and others.  

Advanced Acting Class Content and Methods:

This class is for the student committed to pursue the craft of acting professionally.  Students will use writing, critique, in-class and out of class rehearsals and performances to develop and apply their skills.   In-class discussions, reading assignments, group exercises and improvisations will be used to supplement scene work and aid in the understanding and application of practical acting techniques. 

Required Texts:

            The Great Acting Teachers and Their Methods by Richard Brestoff

Script copies will be provided for rehearsals and in-class activities.


Class Expectations for both Acting I & Advanced Acting:

WEAR APPROPRIATE CLOTHING.  You will be given 5 minutes at the beginning and end of class to dress.  The following clothing is required!

  • Comfortable and flexible pants, sweats, shorts
  • T-shirts or sweatshirt (if colder), etc...are absolutely REQUIRED in this class.  Like a PE class, you must be able to move freely  and energetically with the work we will do in here. Please do not wear clothes that will make you or others feel uncomfortable during activities.
  • You also need to invest in a comfortable pair of TENNIS SHOES. No boots, high heeled shoes, slippers, sandals, etc. You will sometimes need to remove your shoes and socks for certain activities.
  • Hair should be pulled out of your face (both men and women!)
  • Dangling jewelry needs to be removed before class
  • Because we work so closely with one another and are so active in this class, IT IS IMPERATIVE that you practice GOOD HYGIENE

No food or drink during class time. However, WATER is encouraged.

Be on time and ready to warm-up.  When the tardy bell rings, students should first dress out (you have 5 minutes before you are counted tardy), get their mats out, and should be in a circle awaiting warm-up instructions. 

 Follow Classroom Rules:

  • Everyone deserves respect
  • Come to class prepared
  • Do your best
  • Have a winning attitude
  • Have fun and learn
  • Follow School-wide Rules: This includes no hats, ipods or other listening devices, and no cell phones.  If Mrs. Kindall sees the student’s cell phone, she is required to confiscate it.  A parent must then pick up the cell phone after school.

 Cheating is not tolerated.  If a student is found cheating they will receive a zero for their assignment and their parents will be notified. 

Late Policy – Mrs. Kindall expects required work to be turned in on the due date.  Each day the assignment is turned in late, 20% percent will be deducted from its total score.  On performance days, late work will not be accepted unless the student has an excused absence.     

Absentee Policy - If a student knows in advance s/he will miss a day, it is the student’s responsibility to turn in all missed assignments on the first day they return to school.  If a student is absent due to illness or any other unforeseeable excused reasons, it is the student’s responsibility to 1) check their class calendar assignment due dates 2) inquire of the instructor concerning any missed in-class assignments 3) turn in missed assignments on the first day of their return.   Any unexcused absences will be made up at the discretion of the instructor. 

Required Materials for Acting I & Advanced Acting :

  • 1 yoga mat
  • Notebook paper
  • 1 Composition book
  • Pencil (always have pencils available for scoring scripts)
  • a 3-ring binder with 6 dividers

Label your dividers:

  • Syllabus and calendar
  • Notes
  • Handouts
  • Character Analyses
  • Production Critiques
  • Quizzes/ Tests
  • Binders must also include a title page with the following information: (Acting I, 2011-2012 School Yr, Name of Student)

 *** Binders will be checked every nine weeks for organization and completeness.  Every student is expected to keep all materials and handouts throughout the year.  Their success in this class depends on it.

 DUE DATE:  Composition Book & Binder (with labeled dividers & title page) are due Friday, August 19th.  


Attendance Policy for Performances

It is imperative that every theatre student experiences live theatre.  That is why attendance at NSA theatre productions is a requirement of the theatre curriculum.  Every NSA production is discussed and critiqued in class, therefore you, as the student, must experience the productions for yourself. 

You are required to attend every theatre production throughout the school year.  Dates and times of these performances are provided on your class calendar.  If you are unable to attend a production, you must clear your absence with Mrs. Kindall.  Only excused absences will receive an alternative assignment. 

Throughout the school year, there will be opportunities to attend other performances in Nashville.  When the class plans to attend as a group, I will send home an advance notice of the performance and a permission slip to be signed.  As a part of this course, I expect every student to make every effort to attend these performance opportunities. 

Grading Policy

Grades are largely based on class participation and committed collaboration with fellow classmates (20pts. each class period); fulfillment of performance and written assignments; commitment to growth, and attendance.  Each component is dependent upon the other and all bear equal and important weight. 

Grading Scale for NSA

A          93-100

B          85-92

C          75-84

D         70-74

F          0-69 

Extra Credit Opportunities

You may also earn extra credit for seeing productions on your own.  To earn the 10 extra credit points you must bring in a program and be able to answer a few questions.