

This course is designed to introduce you the basic fundamentals of directing plays for the stage. We will carefully examine play structure and analysis, communication with the actors and designers, and rehearsal process and performance.


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  •  Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the role of a theatre director
  • Develop and hone skills of analyzing a play.
  • Expand communication between director and actor.
  • Acquire an introductory—but stylistically broad—knowledge of stage direction
  • Develop communication skills between director and designer.
  • Plan, cast, organize, and stage a short production of a play scene within the technical, spatial, and temporal limitations


Texts and/or supplementary materials to be used:

 Sense of Direction by William Ball (to be purchased by student)

 On Directing by Harold Clurman

 Play Directing: Analysis, Communication, and Style by Francis Hodge and Michael McLain

 Classroom Play Library for Out of Class Reading and Play Directing Projects


 Evaluation of Student’s Progress:

  • Checks for understanding of content through class exercises
  • Content based quizzes and written tests
  • Demonstrating knowledge through directing in-class with peers
  • Completing Final Promptbook
  • Completing Final Performance Project (directing 10-minute scene for student audience, Spring 2011)


Class Expectations

  1. Be on time and prepared for class (notebook, paper, pencil).
  2. No food or drink during class time. However, WATER is encouraged.
  3. Follow Classroom Rules: Be Prepared, Be Respectful, Be Involved, Be Dependable and Ethical, and Follow all NSA school rules.  This includes no hats, ipods or other listening devices, and no cell phones.  If Mrs. Kindall sees the student’s cell phone, she is required to confiscate it.  A parent must then pick up the cell phone after school.
  4. Cheating is not tolerated.  If a student is found cheating they will receive a zero for their assignment and their parents will be notified.  
  5. Late Policy – Mrs. Kindall expects required work to be turned in on the due date.  Each day the assignment is turned in late, twenty percent will be deducted from its total score. 
  6. Absentee Policy - If a student knows in advance s/he will miss a day, it is the student’s responsibility to turn in all missed assignments on the first day they return to school.  If a student is absent due to illness or any other unforeseeable excused reasons, it is the student’s responsibility to 1) check their class calendar assignment due dates 2) inquire of the instructor concerning any missed in-class assignments 3) turn in missed assignments on the first day of their return.   Any unexcused absences will be made up at the discretion of the instructor. 

Required Materials for Directing:

  • Class Journal (provided by Mrs. Kindall)
  • Notebook paper
  • Pencil (always have pencils available for scoring scripts)
  • a 3-ring binder with 5 dividers

Label your dividers:

  • Syllabus and calendar
  • Notes
  • Quizzes / Tests
  • Play Studies
  • Production Critiques


Attendance Policy for Performances

It is imperative that every theatre student experiences live theatre.  That is why attendance at NSA theatre productions is a requirement of the theatre curriculum.  Every NSA production is discussed and critiqued in class, therefore you, as the student, must experience the productions for yourself. 

 You are required to attend every theatre production throughout the school year.  Dates and times of these performances are provided on your class calendar.  If you are unable to attend a production, you must clear your absence with Mrs. Kindall.  Only excused absences will receive an alternative assignment.  

 Throughout the school year, there will be opportunities to attend other performances in Nashville.  When the class plans to attend as a group, I will send home an advance notice of the performance and a permission slip to be signed.  As a part of this course, I expect every student to make every effort to attend these performance opportunities. 

 Grading Policy

Grades are largely based on class participation and committed collaboration with fellow classmates (20pts. each class period); fulfillment of performance and written assignments; commitment to growth, and attendance.  Each component is dependent upon the other and all bear equal and important weight. 

 Grading Scale for NSA

A         93-100

B          85-92

C          75-84

D         70-74

F          0-69 

Extra Credit Opportunities

You may also earn extra credit for seeing productions on your own.  To earn the 10 extra credit points you must bring in a program and be able to answer a few questions.